Mr. Michael Wild

Mr. Michael Wild

President / Principal of Wild & Partner KG

International Biomass Torrefaction Council (IBTC)


Michael Wild, economist and engineer by education, is active in renewable energies for practically his entire 30 years professional career and a frontrunner in the bioenergy sector. He developed biomass fired district heating systems, worked with and for IFIs and EC in renewable programs, established the first ever online trading platform for biomass, initiated the acceptance of PalmKernelShell as power plant fuel and organized the first ever shipment and continuous supply of PKS from Indonesia to Europe.
He lead the development of one of the first continuous torrefaction processes and holds since 10 years the presidency of the International Biomass Torrefaction Council IBTC. He is part of Austria’s delegation to IEA Bioenergy.


Day 1-
Tue, 20-05-2025
at 10:05 AM

Setting The Scene: Making Sense of the Array of Alternative Biomass: Biocarbon, Torrefied Biomass, Black Pellet, Biochar, Biocoal, etc

Day 1-
Tue, 20-05-2025
at 04:35 PM

(Panel) Industry’s Current Response & Moving Forward